10 |
Factors Affecting the retention intention of new nurses in hospital setting
관리자 |
2022.04.14 |
485 |
9 |
Factor Affecting new nurses' retention intention in the nursing profession
관리자 |
2022.04.14 |
434 |
8 |
Factors Affecting Post-Graduation Attrition of Nursing Students
관리자 |
2022.04.13 |
480 |
7 |
Associations between self-esteem, depression, and anxiety about clinical practic
관리자 |
2022.04.13 |
511 |
6 |
Improving the Validity of Graduate Nurse Experience Survey through Cognitive Int
관리자 |
2022.04.13 |
478 |
5 |
Factors related to readiness for practice for nursing students: A systematic rev
관리자 |
2022.04.13 |
441 |
4 |
Developing a Conceptual Framework of new nurses' turnover : A systematic review
관리자 |
2022.04.13 |
421 |
3 |
질적연구에 나타난 국내 신규간호사의 이직 의도 탐색: 체계적 문헌고찰
관리자 |
2022.04.13 |
417 |
2 |
Development of Conceptual framework: Readiness to Practice of Senior Nursing Stu
관리자 |
2022.04.13 |
429 |
1 |
인지면담을 통한 한국어판 간호실무준비도 측정도구의 타당화 연구
관리자 |
2022.04.13 |
430 |